Monday, September 3, 2012

Bucket List

Chain Reaction
Simone Elkeles
This book follows the Perfect Chemistry novels and is actually the last in the series. Having  read the first two in the series, Im very anxious to finally read the last one. This book focuses on Luis, a cousin of the Fuentes brothers. Luis has never been around the gang atmosphere quit like his cousins.
50 Shades of Grey
E.L. James
The reason for my pick on this book, is not because of the sex crazed media of it all. The absurdity of it all draws my attention. Ana being a shy, college student. And Christian Grey, a young entrepreneur, the two of them hit it off with trappings of success.
Lauren Oliver
This book follows a young lady who is trapped between having love to herself, but is willing to risk it all, knowing it could hurt her in the end. Morgan Huff actually told me about this book. I don’t necessarily like love stories, but a twisted love story is my cup of tea!
Lauren Halse Anderson
Speak is about teenagers learning to stand up for themselves and actually make peers around them aware of harmful situations. This book was a finalist for the National Book Award.  Books about teens relate to me, simply because they tell it like it is instead of sugar coating it, unless your Sara Dessen.
Will Greyson, Will Greyson
After watching a short clip of one of the two authors describing his book, I can see he is a pretty funny guy. I’m hoping his hilarity will also make an appearance in his writing. The book is about two boys, both named Will Greyson. They start crossing paths and eventually start intertwining them as well.
My Sisters keeper
Jodi Picolt
This book is about a family who all seems to go under the knife. And finds it to be a constant struggle to keep the sister alive. The Author, Jodi is a New York Times Best Seller Author. I have also been recommended this book by many people, and hope to see the movie after reading it.
Judy Blume
The main reason I have decided to put this on my bucket list is, as a kid we all read Judy Blume. I will be interested to read her work for more mature audiences. The book follows a new flame of love. Which yes, you did find this on my Bucket list..despite my snarl for them.
Beautiful Creatures
Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
This book follows a family loomed curse hidden behind a small town mentality. I think this book will be pretty twisted, which is what I like in a book. One that keeps me entertained throughout the whole book, constant twists and turns that never let you expect the ending catch.
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Ransom Riggs
Jocie actually recommended this book to me, and we both watched the trailor. Its about a little boy that visits the island of the peculiar children and finds, that just maybe there all but dead. I like scary movies so I also like scary books, but what I really like is that it has pictures…I know that defeats the purpose in reading, but I like being able to see what there trying to visualize
13 Reasons Why
This book tells 13 reasons why a highschool  girl kills herself, hence the title. I find this book to be right up my alley since suicide has become a very upfront and personal situation around the Batesville area lately. Also since im in highschool as well, I think it would be fairly easily to relate to. many of my friends have read this book and have recommended it. Anxious!

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